Trademark Tonic x Goodrays
Helping build trade mark portfolios and adding brand value
We are lucky to be able to work with some great clients, including the team at Goodrays.
The Goodrays brand was created in 2020, with the aim to be a powerful and dynamic brand, redefining the future of wellness - with focus on premium CBD drinks, CBD oils and CBD gummies. Sustainability and accountability are at the core of the Goodrays business and their products are made from sustainable and natural ingredients, to produce some delicious flavours!
And Social Instagram goodrays Twitter @GOODRAYS_
Linkedin @goodrays Facebook @goodrayseveryday
Trademark Tonic has been working with the Goodrays team to help protect its brand name through trade mark registration. Having your brand name and logo registered as a trade mark is beneficial for a number of reasons – see
We started our Trademark Tonic x Goodrays brand protection project, by conducting trade mark searches in the countries of interest, to determine whether the Goodrays brand name was available for use and also register as a trade mark.
Trade Mark Applications were then initially filed in the UK, and these UK Applications were used as a basis for filing in overseas countries/markets. Once registrations are obtained, these can be used to prevent and deter other businesses and individuals from using an identical or confusingly similar brand name (where identical or similar goods/services are covered), in the relevant country.
A successful trade mark portfolio build, has helped add value to the Goodrays brand and puts the Goodrays team in a good position to be able to effectively enforce, maintain and to potentially commercialise their trade mark rights.
If you need any help with protecting your trade marks and designs and/or have any queries how Trademark Tonic can help build and manage your IP portfolios, feel free to get in touch at
